The Extra Mile Love Project

Experiences, thoughts, and suggestions for loving your neighbor as yourself.

rock 4 water November 15, 2010

Filed under: acts of kindness,extra,help,Idaho,mile,neighbor,project — extramilelp @ 7:41 pm
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I am doing another project with my class. We are raising money for a well in northern Ghana,Africa! The well costs $2,000. So far we have raised $377.00 by selling baked goods at our university. We have 22 students involved in this project and we r all trying to find ways to raise money in between our busy schedules!! We are saving aluminum and tin to take in to recycle for cash! giving up Christmas gifts so that $$ can be donated from our families. doing odd jobs. telling our friends and family about this tremendous need… which leads me to the topic of my sister…my sis is a graphic designer and she helped us change our flyers so that they were smaller. in that work she couldn’t help but read about our project! by the way she is in Las Vegas…she said to me “If babies don’t have water- i want my next fundraiser to be for them instead of whales!”. I was stoked in that moment but was so busy I didn’t think twice about her offer.

Today she texted me wanting information about the project and told me her boss at the Las Vegas Country Saloon said that she could ask all of the bands that play on Thursday’s in December if they would ROCK 4 WATeR and give their payment of $100 for a 30 minute set to Compassion for Africa!!! How amazing is that??? What I also learned was her boss is a native Idahoan!! Their are 5 Thursdays in December and I think 3 bands play each night– so if all donate than we could raise $1500 for the well. I also found out that another student has cleaned chimneys for water and made $400!! This is so exciting-I was in tears of joy earlier:) My sister had to have my sweet lil nephew call me and ask Aunty why she was crying. She’s a stinker- but I love her and I am so thankful to God for giving me a little sister!!!!

Do u have an amazing story of love and compassion on others??? please share:)