The Extra Mile Love Project

Experiences, thoughts, and suggestions for loving your neighbor as yourself.

Isn’t it too cold in Idaho to ring a bell for the Salvation Army?? November 29, 2010

Filed under: acts of kindness,gifts,kindness,neighbor,Salvation Army — extramilelp @ 9:35 pm
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I know it’s colder in other places but today in Nampa, Idaho it was chillingly cold.  It was 19 degrees but it felt like -19. Any liquid that was left on the roads from the last snow has turned to ice sheets…I can’t even walk across my street because it’s too slippery.  Thankfully my friend got me those nice isotoner gloves that I can use with my touch screen phone;)  Time to wear a scarf, hat and gloves with my down jacket each time I go outside…yours truly is COLD.  I am a warm blooded person and I am usually warm when others are cold and hot when others are warm (and yes I’m modest too).  So you get the picture, I was cold today.

After my last class I stopped by my local supermarket Paul’s to get a banana to substitute the eggs in a bread recipe for a very special little boy who has some food allergies.  Earlier I bought bananas and used them all, even though I meant to save one for the egg sub.  So I was sliding right in to the store and approached the tall young man ringing the bell for the Salvation Army.  He was wearing a hoody sweatshirt, pants, beanie and some gloves…I was thinking he is just not bundled up enough!  I asked him if he would like a hot drink.  He said “no thank you, but Merry Christmas”.  As determined as I can be I looked in the service deli for a hot anything machine but I didn’t find one.  I got my bananas and told the bell ringer I wold be right back because I had hot turkey soup in my crockpot at home right around the corner.  So I went home and found a large mug with a lid and filled it up, grabbed a spoon and some napkins and carefully walked over to Paul’s.  When I got there the bell ringer said he couldn’t accept any drinks, food or gifts from people.  Anything given to him had to go into the red bucket- Salvation Army policy he said.  I was bummed cause baby it’s cold outside!  So anyways I brought my soup home and put it in the fridge, then saw on facebook that my friend Stephanie LaFram was ill, so I’m bringing her the soup tomorrow.  Oh and by the way, the young man did tell me he was hot blooded and he didn’t feel that cold.  That reminds me of when my childhood friend and I would run around Paradise California barefoot on a hot summer day and tell ourselves that it wasn’t hot at all.  People told us to but shoes on…we wouldn’t listen!

Have you had a bell ringing experience?  You know what? I didn’t even put change in the bucket today…that was rude- I was so focused on warming the person up that wasn’t cold and probably thought I was a crazy lady:)

Well if you have had an experience please share it with me and feel free to comment if you would like:)

Blessings, T xooxox